Field Acupuncture

Why Do We Use Auricular Acupuncture?

The CAMRC primarily utilizes Auricular Acupuncture during deployments, trainings and exercises. Auricular Acupuncture is the insertion of short, small needles into specific parts of the ear to promote relaxation, reset the autonomic nervous system, and allow for the recovery process to begin. There are many benefits to using auricular acupuncture.


Auricular Acupuncture Benefits

  • Cost Effective: Needles and supplies used are minimal and low cost

  • Portable: Clinics can be set up just about anywhere

  • Unobtrusive: Patients can remain seated and fully clothed

  • Indivualized: Treatments can be easily tailored to the patients condition and needs

  • Efficacy: Treatments are efficient and effective in a short amount of time

  • Results: Safe, Simple and Profound Treatments are possible with auricular acupuncture


Benefits of Acupuncture During a Disaster Response

  • Helps to reset the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response)

  • Can improve sleep and help with Insomnia

  • Can reduce pain

  • Can reduce overall Stress, Anxiety and Tension

  • Can improve a person’s ability to cope in times of great stress (resilience)

  • Can improve digestive issues associated with times of great stress, anxiety and tension